Discouragement is when someone experiences loss, adversity, or failure and as a result they lose confidence in their own strengths and abilities to cope. They lose heart. This happens to kids a lot. Every day, a child struggles with the painful struggles of growing...
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Elisabeth Stitt Encourages Clarity, Connection, and Consistency
Helping an adolescent child grow up to be a happy, successful, and independent adult has never been easy. Try doing it without a spouse. Or both parents having to work a full-time job. Or the disturbing influences of rapidly innovating technology with its shiny...
New Skill for Parents – Encourage Your Child to Think
It happens on a regular basis. Someone you know - a friend, a spouse, a child, a co-worker - will come to you frustrated because he's having problems. If you're in a hurry and if you have superior experience and wisdom, maybe you can make the problem go away. And...
Encourage Teens to Think for Themselves
Should you give advice? The answer is the same whether you're relating to another adult or to a teenager. One of my friends has an interesting idiosyncrasy. Whenever we talk, his way of interacting with me is to give me advice. I think he does this because he's...
Listening Well to a Teenager Can Be Hard – Some New Encouragement
You may have heard it said that "Few people are good listeners." While this may ring true, I know you'd like to be a better listener for your teen. The benefits to your relationship are enormous. What you find out! The amazing way it strengthens the bond between you....
for Parents
[five_sixth] [/five_sixth][one_sixth_last][social_buttons hide_share_count="true" facebook="true" twitter="true" pinterest="true" linkedin="true"][/one_sixth_last] Encouragements All parents need encouragement, because raising kids is challenging. When something...
Constructive Feedback: A Power Skill
What is it like to be a child? Do you have any memory of this? A refresher: Compared to any adult, a child is lacking in almost every way. Physically smaller than an adult, without financial resources, and woefully lacking in understanding about how the world and...
Kids Desperately Need Wisdom
Recently, a bizarre death was reported in most news outlets. A 14-year old boy fell in love with an AI image. This computer-generated image became so real to him that he saw her as a real person. Ultimately, he killed himself with his father's pistol in order to "be...
Six Ways to Help a Child Build Strong Character
Life is challenging, for kids as well as adults. It takes character strength to deal with these challenges, to do the right things, the hard things. Character strength comes from dozens of behavior patterns that people form throughout life. And these behavior patterns...
Character Is Based on Behavior Patterns
Being a parent means doing hard things on a regular basis. In other words, raising a child to be a happy, successful, independent adult will require you to engage many aspects of character strength. Likewise, to succeed in life as an adult, a child will also have to...