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Results for "communication"
The Secret to Mastering a Parent-Child Communication Skill

The Secret to Mastering a Parent-Child Communication Skill

I recently talked with a mom who was discouraged because her attempts to try some new listening techniques hadn't worked for her. She said they felt strange and she often forgot to use them. So she gave up trying. This is not an uncommon story. And there are reasons...

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What to Do When Communication Doesn’t Go Well

What to Do When Communication Doesn’t Go Well

Youth is a time of growth, and it also needs to be a time for lots of learning. I've explained how with "4 Magic Questions" you can help your child get stronger from successes and mistakes. Being the parent you want to be can also mean learning for you. These same...

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Building a Loving Bridge of Communication with Your Teen

Building a Loving Bridge of Communication with Your Teen

During the first 12 years, you may have enjoyed a close, affectionate relationship with your child. But after puberty, things change. Your child wants to put early childhood in the past, and the push for self-definition and independence begins. The older teens get,...

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Feel the Emotion, Shift the Thought

Feel the Emotion, Shift the Thought

I was in a hurry to get home, but so were many other people in rush hour traffic. I had to wait in line to turn right and then immediately I had to wait in a long line at a stoplight. When the light turned green, the car in front of me didn't move. The driver was...

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