As Tom Kersting points out in his new book, Disconnected, kids graduating from college these days are the first generation to experience their entire adolescence while owning a smartphone. As a result, they spend hours a day glued to the small screen while engaged with social networking. The result: many young adults entering the workplace are deficient in social skills.

Bad news for parents—and for future employers.

Kersting, a nationally recognized psychotherapist, speaker, and school counselor, describes how this happens. Along the way he explains the horrible effects of gaming addiction, the impact on learning, and why more young people than ever suffer from anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide.

Many parents intuitively sense that a smartphone can be a dangerous device, but they fear their child will be “left out.” What to do?

Thomas Kersting’s Disconnected joins the classic, Reset Your Child’s Brain, by Victoria Dunckley, as a MUST-READ handbook for parents in the digital age, featuring dozens of tips for dealing with this difficult challenge.