What if you had great communication skills?

Some parents do!

But most don’t.

When parents connect in ways that strengthen the bond with their child, kids are more open to parental guidance and wisdom.

Most parents struggle with this. Learning powerful communication skills wasn’t a part of their education. So now, conversations between parent and child can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and alienation.

It’s a painful irony: even loving parents can end up pushing their kids away.

The good news is that this can be turned around. Parents can acquire communication skills that make a difference. Improving how they listen to and encourage their child is like mastering any skill. It takes time and lots of practice to make these skills their go-to responses to any situation.

While parents are willing to work at it, skill-building has its ups and downs. They can get discouraged. The key to sticking with it is coaching. Two breakthrough books are now available for parents to support their efforts over time:

Connect with Your Kid: Mastering the Top 10 Parent-Child Communication Skills contains clearly stated how-to steps, realistic sample dialogues, and practical coaching tips.

Parents Coaching Parents explains how parents can partner with each other to meet regularly to give each other coaching support, encouragement, and accountability as they work on improving one skill at a time.

This practical, innovative approach works.

If you and other parents in your community were to improve the way they interact with their kids, young people would be more open to the teaching and coaching of you and other adults who are trying to prepare them for success in school, work, and life.

Find out how you can implement this practical solution:

Connect with Your Kid, along with Parents Coaching Parents, will help you strengthen the bond with your child.