by Dennis Coates | Parent-child Communication
My wife and I often go to Corpus Christi to visit her sister and husband. Since their son now has two young children and their oldest daughter has two daughters and a son, they’ve been thrilled to be grandparents. There’s a lot of love going on there. Love...
by Dennis Coates | Critical Thinking, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Parenting Books, Parenting Videos
As a parent, you have four ways of taking action… You do what other people tell you to do. Husband. Friend. Relative. Your TV. You react instinctively, emotionally. You unconsciously act out of habit. Your brain is wired for a particular behavior pattern. You...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Education, Work
When your child gets involved in an activity, it will probably involve learning certain skills. Home/life skills? Relationship skills? Athletic? Musical? Artistic? Mechanical? Construction? Academic? Thinking? Managing? If some of the skills your child has to learn...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Critical Thinking, Encouragement, Inspiring Quotes, Parent-child Communication, Parenting, Personal Strength, Programs, Teen Success
Epictetus (c. 55 – 135) was born a slave in Turkey nearly 2,000 years ago and then lived in Rome until he was banished to Greece. He was one of the Stoic philosophers. Epictetus taught that philosophy had to be more than theoretical; it had to be the way you lived...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Education, Fitness, Guest Blog Posts, Teen Success, Youth Athletics
Kids learn better when movement and exercise are a part of their day. This guest post comes to us from Lizzy Bullock, writer and swim instructor for AquaGear. Children in a school setting are often told to “stop fidgeting,” to “sit still,” and...