by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Critical Thinking, Encouragement, Parent-child Communication, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Self-Esteem
During the first 12 years, you may have enjoyed a close, affectionate relationship with your child. But after puberty, things change. Your child wants to put early childhood in the past, and the push for self-definition and independence begins. The older teens get,...
by Dennis Coates | Parent-child Communication, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Parenting Books, Parenting Videos, Programs, Self-Esteem, Strong for Parenting, Work
When I was a kid there were no parenting books, unless you want to count Dr. Benjamin Spock’s classic on baby and child care. Parents were guided by their instincts, sense of responsibility, judgment, and family traditions. Today, parents still rely on these,...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Alcohol, Drugs, Guest Blog Posts, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Teen Culture
The surveys and statistics bear it out: teens are misusing drugs and alcohol at younger and younger ages. Parents are often unaware that it’s begun, since the warning signs can take time to appear. The physical, emotional and behavioral changes come on gradually. Now...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Education, Encouragement, Guest Blog Posts, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Parenting Books, Self-Esteem
The second 10 years of a child’s life is their last opportunity to prepare for the challenges of adult life. This guest post was written by Elisabeth Stitt, a parenting expert who focuses on middle school adolescent children. She is the author of Parenting as a...
by Dennis Coates | Critical Thinking, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Parenting Books, Parenting Videos
As a parent, you have four ways of taking action… You do what other people tell you to do. Husband. Friend. Relative. Your TV. You react instinctively, emotionally. You unconsciously act out of habit. Your brain is wired for a particular behavior pattern. You...
by Dennis Coates | Behavior Change, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Parenting Books
Reading Parenting…As a Second Language is like chatting with a wise, compassionate woman who’s experienced every aspect of being a parent. It’s more like a conversation than listening to simple advice. The author, Elisabeth Stitt, happens to be one...