With every choice, there is a consequence. And the situation of that consequence sets up another choice. One choice after another, we create our life paths and become who we are. It’s a process that continues throughout one’s life. It’s how a child gradually becomes an adult.

The choices people make are influenced by their thoughts and attitudes. And these thoughts/attitudes are conditioned by the wisdom or erroneous thoughts believed along the way. Some choices are made from habit. Choices that are repeated become behavior patterns – life habits. Day after day, one choice after another, your child is creating habits.

Parents, share your wisdom. Patiently wait for opportunities, and share it without criticizing, giving advice, or delivering lectures. If you don’t, they’ll be left with the faulty wisdom of their naive peers. Wisdom is your knowledge of the truth about living, learned from experience. Some people grow up without being exposed to much wisdom. As adults, it’s harder for them to make good choices.

Through love, empathy, effective communication, and your example, build the kind of relationship with your child that will cause them to want to listen and value what you say. You don’t mold or shape your child. You influence them to make good choices.

Your wisdom is your influence.

With your help, your child can mature into the kind of adult who habitually envisions a desired future and does what’s needed to achieve it. You can grow the bond with your child through better listening. Download the FREE ebook, Listening to Understand.

And there are many more vital communication skills beyond listening. All of them are described in Connect with Your Kid: Mastering the Top 10 Parent-Child Communication Skills.