by Dennis Coates | Education, Health & Nutrition, Parenting, Parenting Books, Self-Esteem, Teen Success, Work, Youth Athletics
I’ve been researching, studying, and writing about parenting for several years now, and the other day I was taken by surprise by something new. Adulting I had never heard the term before. I discovered that it’s used by young adults to mean learning to do things adults...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Education, Fitness, Health & Nutrition, Parent-child Communication, Parenting Books, Teen Success
A few years ago I wrote a book for middle school boys, called Conversations with the Wise Uncle. I then wrote a similar book for young girls. My purpose was to model some of the key conversations young people need to guide them along their journey to being adults....
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Parent-child Communication, Parenting Books, Teen Culture, Teen Sex, Teen Success
In the adult world, dating is like an audition. An acquaintance asks you out to dinner or an event, which will give you time together to learn more about each other. Will you enjoy each other’s company? Will you have shared values and common ground? Will you...
by Dennis Coates | Critical Thinking, Education, Encouragement, Fitness, Health & Nutrition, Programs, Teen Success
I know that not everyone wants to “be all you can be.” Not everyone is serious enough about personal growth to do something about it. A whole lot of people are happy with who they are, thank you very much, and wake up to each new day content to consume...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Alcohol, Drugs, Education, Encouragement, Parenting, Self-Esteem, Teen Culture, Teen Sex, Teen Suicide, Work
Why would a teenager do something as stupid as engaging in one of the teen challenges, such as binge-drinking, or swallowing a spoonful of cinnamon, or snorting a condom. Quite a few kids have ended up in the hospital and a few have died. Part of the answer is they...