by Dennis Coates | Encouragement, Parent-child Communication, Personal Strength, Self-Esteem, Teen Success
Discouragement is when someone experiences loss, adversity, or failure and as a result they lose confidence in their own strengths and abilities to cope. They lose heart. This happens to kids a lot. Every day, a child struggles with the painful struggles of growing...
by Dennis Coates | Behavior Change, Critical Thinking, Parent-child Communication
Many years ago, my business partners asked me to change my behavior. They claimed that I sometimes lashed out at them. When one referred to my behavior as verbally abusive, I became defensive. I thought they were exaggerating. They gave me an example. Once, in a...
by Dennis Coates | Critical Thinking, Education, Encouragement, Parent-child Communication, Parenting, Parenting Books
Have you ever looked up at the night sky on a clear night to see the North Star? If you can spot the Big Dipper, follow the line from the dipper to a very bright star named Polaris. This star helped seafarers navigate for centuries. It’s very, very far away...
by Dennis Coates | Behavior Change, Education, Encouragement, Parent-child Communication, Parenting, Parenting Books, Teen Success
In many ways, I’m thrilled to put 2020 in my rear-view mirror. The awful Covid-19 pandemic. Also, this was the year my family moved to a new home. It’s a nice home, and that’s the good news. The bad news is that moving was a mentally and physically...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Critical Thinking, Education, Health & Nutrition, Parent-child Communication, Peer Pressure, Teen Culture, Teen Sex, Teen Suicide
As I write this, the Covid-19 coronavirus in the U.S. has been killing about 3,000 people every day. I know several people who have become infected. A member of my extended family died from the infection. This pandemic has brought out the best and the worst in our...