by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Critical Thinking, Education, Guest Blog Posts, Parenting Videos, Podcasts, Teen Success
Even though I graduated from West Point, served 20 years in the U.S. Army, and retired as a lieutenant colonel, from age 16 I’ve always considered myself to be a writer. And since I co-founded what has become Grow Strong Leaders in 1987, I’ve published...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Critical Thinking, Education, Health & Nutrition, Parent-child Communication, Parenting Books, Parenting Videos, Peer Pressure, Teen Culture, Teen Sex
Some pretty awful things can happen during adolescence. One of these tragedies is an unwanted pregnancy. I believe that parents need to “get real” about the risk that their child could get involved in an unwanted pregnancy. Think about it: At puberty, kids...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Behavior Change, Critical Thinking, Education, Health & Nutrition, Parent-child Communication, Parenting Books, Parenting Videos, Programs, Self-Esteem
My book, How Your Teen Can Grow a Smarter Brain, and most of the hundreds of articles on this blog, address how to encourage, support and coach a young person during the adolescent years to wire their prefrontal cortex (PFC) for the thinking skills that they’ll...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Behavior Change, Education, Health & Nutrition, Interviews, Parent-child Communication, Parenting Videos, Teen Sex
After puberty, every normal child will develop the ability to procreate, which includes this necessary element: sexual desire. This is a good thing for the young person and the human species; but the physical changes and new feelings aren’t easy for an adolescent to...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Adolescent Brain, Critical Thinking, Parent-child Communication, Parenting, Parenting Videos, Peer Pressure, Teen Culture, Teen Success, Teen Suicide
Today, most phone calls are made using wireless smartphones, relayed by Wi-Fi devices in your home or distant radio towers. What we used to call telephones are now called landlines, and these are steadily disappearing. The smartphone technology that people carry in...
by Dennis Coates | Parent-child Communication, Parenting, Parenting Blogs, Parenting Books, Parenting Videos, Programs, Self-Esteem, Strong for Parenting, Work
When I was a kid there were no parenting books, unless you want to count Dr. Benjamin Spock’s classic on baby and child care. Parents were guided by their instincts, sense of responsibility, judgment, and family traditions. Today, parents still rely on these,...