by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Critical Thinking, Education, Health & Nutrition, Parenting, Personal Strength, Teen Culture, Teen Success, Work, Youth Athletics
Studying well in school is important. Those 12 years – and university – are important. But along the way, a young person needs to learn many non-academic skills and strengths that are vital for relationships and a career. While some of this can be acquired...
by Dennis Coates | Education, Parenting, Parenting Books
Did you read my review of Reset Your Child’s Brain (2015), by Victoria Dunckley? Dunckley is a psychiatrist who has treated hundreds of young people who suffered from behavior disorders caused by excessive screen time (video games, cell phones, tablets, TV,...
by Dennis Coates | Mentoring, Parenting, Parenting Books, Strong for Parenting
If you’ve never gone to war or if you’ve never had to stay behind when your spouse is deployed, you can never fully appreciate the worry, loneliness and hardship of trying to raise a family not knowing if or when the family will be together again. Or how...
by Dennis Coates | Guest Blog Posts, Parent-child Communication, Parenting
Thanks to Maureen Denard at for this guest post. The adolescent years can stress a parent-child relationship. This article has several practical ideas for helping the bond to grow stronger. In a world where there never seems to be enough time to get...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Critical Thinking, Parenting, Parenting Books, Teen Success
One of the most important aspects of adolescent development is what experts refer to as the “teen brain.” And the big issue with the teen brain is the development of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The question is, how exactly does this much-talked-about PFC...
by Dennis Coates | Education, Parenting, Self-Esteem, Work
During the past 30 years, I’ve had the chance to meet and talk with quite a few sons and daughters of wealthy people. It isn’t easy to start a business and make it profitable. The parents of these kids worked hard to earn what they have. In my experience,...