by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Critical Thinking, Education, Health & Nutrition, Parenting, Parenting Books, Podcasts, Teen Culture
It’s well documented: how kids with growing brains can be adversely affected – for life – by too much screen time. It’s a scary issue for parents, because the new technologies are both amazingly useful and amazingly dangerous. And practically...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Adolescent Brain, Health & Nutrition, Parenting Books, Rebellion, Teen Culture, Teen Suicide
As Tom Kersting points out in his new book, Disconnected, kids graduating from college these days are the first generation to experience their entire adolescence while owning a smartphone. As a result, they spend hours a day glued to the small screen while engaged...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescence, Adolescent Brain, Health & Nutrition, Parenting, Parenting Books, Self-Esteem, Teen Culture, Teen Sex
During the COVID-19 shut-down I heard reports that many LGBTQ college students who have been forced to study at home are experiencing unusual stress levels caused by their parents’ failure to accept their gender identity. They believe that their child has chosen...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Behavior Change, Critical Thinking, Education, Parenting Books, Personal Strength, Teen Success, Work
“I was a terrible student,” he said, “always staring out windows or looking at the clock, waiting for class to be over.” From a very early age, the only thing that interested him was excitement, danger, and risk-taking. He considered schoolwork...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Behavior Change, Critical Thinking, Education, Health & Nutrition, Parent-child Communication, Parenting Books, Parenting Videos, Programs, Self-Esteem
My book, How Your Teen Can Grow a Smarter Brain, and most of the hundreds of articles on this blog, address how to encourage, support and coach a young person during the adolescent years to wire their prefrontal cortex (PFC) for the thinking skills that they’ll...
by Dennis Coates | Adolescent Brain, Critical Thinking, Education, Encouragement, Mentoring, Parenting Books, Teen Success, Work
First, here’s what I mean by “smart.” One long-accepted understanding of “smart” involves acquiring knowledge: learning facts and basic principles. This is the primary business of middle school and high school. Kids understand this...